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2021年宁波市“甬江引才工程”公告(英文版) | |||||||||
In order todeepen the implementation of the talent and innovation "Tree-plantingProject", accelerate the construction of a high-level innovative city,create a competitive place for the development of high-quality talents, andattract talents from all over the world to grow together with Ningbo to thegreatest extent, Ningbo proceeds with further deepening and refining of"3315 Series Plan" and implementation of "Yongjiang TalentIntroduction Programme" in 2021 with the relevant matters announced asfollows: I. Priority Fields of Introduction Focusing onthe high-quality development needs of economy and society of Ningbo, to preferably support high-endentrepreneurial and innovative talent and team projects both at home and abroadthat can fit the industrial development direction, promote the industrial levelimprovement and lead the industrial development of Ningbo. Putpriority on the introduction of talent and team projects in the two majorfields of scientific and technological innovation and urban economy, of which,the scientific and technological innovation field shall closely follow the"246" trillion-level industrial cluster cultivation projects,primarily supporting industries such as new materials, high-end equipment, key basic components, newgeneration information technology, life and health, new energy, and energyconservation and environment protection; the urban economy field will primarilysupport industries such as e-commerce, port and shipping logistics, finance andinsurance, culture, education, health and sports, professional services,planning and design, fashion creativity, technology services and modernagriculture. II. Project Category andApplication Qualifications "Yongjiang Talent IntroductionProgramme" in 2021 is divided into entrepreneurial and innovative talentproject, entrepreneurial and innovative team project, and talent introductionteam project via capital. Under the same conditions, those talent and team projectsthat have obtained policy funding of the districts, counties (municipality) anddevelopment zones of Ningbo, entrepreneurial projects that have receivedinvestment from professional investment institutions, or that have settled inNingbo full-time will receive priority support, specifically as follows: (I) Entrepreneurialand innovative talent project Entrepreneurialand innovative talent project is divided into innovative talent sub-project,entrepreneurial talent sub-project, foreign-born talent sub-project, youngtalent sub-project and Seagull talent sub-project, of which the foreign-borntalent sub-project, young talent sub-project and Seagull talent sub-project areonly limited to the application of talents in the field of scientific and technologicalinnovation. The following basic conditions shall be met specifically: 1. Innovative talent sub-project (1) Generally, the talent should have a doctor'sdegree or have a high industry influence; the talent is generally not more than55 years old (born after January 1, 1966, the same below). (2) The talent has come to Ningbo to work inthe recent 1 year (come to Ningbo after January 1, 2020) or has planned to cometo Ningbo, relying on the enterprises and institutions of Ningbo to carry outinnovative achievements transformation or basic research in Ningbo, and mustwork full-time in Ningbo after being selected for more than 5 consecutiveyears. If such full-time work requirements cannot be met, the talent will bedeemed to have automatically given up the qualification. (3) The legal representative, actualcontroller, main founder or the largest natural person shareholder of thetalent-reliant enterprise shall not apply for this innovative talentsub-project. 2. Entrepreneurial talent sub-project (1) Generally, the talent should have a master'sdegree or higher or have a high industry influence; the talent is generally notmore than 60 years old (born after January 1, 1961, the same below). (2) The talent has come to Ningbo in therecent 5 years (come to Ningbo after January 1, 2016) and has established anenterprise in Ningbo for more than 1 year (completed business registration proceduresbetween January 1, 2016 and March 15, 2020); the applicant must be the founderor legal representative of the enterprise, and must be the largest shareholderor the largest natural person shareholder of the enterprise. Only oneentrepreneurial talent can be applied for by one enterprise. (3) For a sub-project in the field ofscientific and technological innovation, at least RMB 1 million among theactual paid-in registered capital of the enterprise shall befrom the monetary contribution of the entrepreneurial talent (natural person);for a sub-project in the field of urban economy, at least RMB 0.5 million amongthe actual paid-in registered capital of the enterprise shall befrom the monetary contribution of the entrepreneurial talent (natural person). (4) Theenterprise founded by the talent must be operated for real in Ningbo and shallnot be moved out of Ningbo within 10 years after being selected as promised. 3. Foreign-born talent sub-project Thenon-Chinese foreign talent shall be generally not more than 65 years old (bornafter January 1, 1956); and must work full-time in Ningbo after being selectedfor more than 3 consecutive years and no less than 6 months each year. If suchfull-time work requirements cannot be met, the talent will be deemed to haveautomatically given up the qualification; the other application conditions arethe same as the innovative talent sub-project. 4. Young talent sub-project It isdivided into young innovative talent project and young entrepreneurial talentproject, of which, the applicant shall not be more than 40 years old (bornafter January 1, 1981). The other application conditions are the same as theinnovative talent sub-project or entrepreneurial talent sub-project. 5. Seagull talent sub-project The talent should have not worked full-time inChina or have worked full-time in the overseas branch of a Ningbo enterprisefor no more than 1 year (worked full-time in the overseas branch of the Ningboenterprise after January 1, 2020), and have more than 10 years of relevantoverseas work experience (as of March 15, 2021), and must work full-timein Ningbo after being selected for more than 3 consecutive years and no lessthan 2 month each year, or work full-time in the overseas branch of the Ningbo enterprisefor more than 3 consecutive years. the other application conditions are the same as theinnovative talent sub-project. (II) Entrepreneurialand innovative team project Entrepreneurialand innovative team project is divided into innovative team sub-project andentrepreneurial team sub-project. 1. Innovative team sub-project The projectapplied for the innovative team should have significant innovation performanceor great innovation potential, rely on enterprises and institutions of Ningbo ocarry out full-time innovation transformation or basic research, and shall meetthe following basic conditions: (1) The team is generally composed of 1 leaderand at least 4 members; the team leader should generally have a doctor's degreeor have a high industry influence and the members should generally have themaster's degree or higher; the leader is generally not more than 55 years old andthe members are generally not more than 45 years old (born after January 1, 1976). (2) The team leader and members have come toNingbo to work in the recent 2 years (come to Ningbo after January 1, 2019) orhave planned to come to Ningbo, and must work full-time in Ningbo after beingselected for more than 5 consecutive years. If such full-time work requirementscannot be met, the team leader and members will be deemed to have automaticallygiven up their qualifications. (3) The team's supporting enterprise is operatingin good condition with complete supporting measures, being able to provide theteam with necessary scientific research funds and equipment, and providevarious elements required for the industrialization of the project. (4) The legal representative, actualcontroller, main founder or the largest natural person shareholder of theteam's supporting enterprise shall not apply for this innovative teamsub-project. 2. Entrepreneurial team sub-project The projectapplied for the entrepreneurial team should have key and core technologies,which are expected to improve the industrial level of Ningbo, lead and drivethe development of the industry, and produce significant economic and socialbenefits, and shall meet the following basic conditions: (1) The team is generally composed of 1 leaderand at least 4 members; the team leader should generally have a master's degreeor higher or have a high industry influence and the members should generallyhave a bachelor's degree or higher or have more than 3 years of relevant workexperience (as of March 15, 2021, the same below); the leader is generally notmore than 60 years old and the members are generally not more than 50 years old(born after January 1, 1971, the same below). (2) The team leader and members have come toNingbo in the recent 3 years (come to Ningbo after January 1, 2018, the samebelow) or have planned to come to Ningbo to start a business; the team leader(natural person) must be the founder, legal representative and the largest shareholderof the enterprise; the total shareholding ratio of the team leader and themembers (natural persons) shall be more than 50% (excluding), and the number ofshareholding members shall be no less than 4. (3) For a sub-project in the field of scientificand technological innovation, at least RMB 2 million among the actual paid-in registered capital of the enterprise shall bethe monetary contribution, of which at least RMB 1 million shall be from theactual paid-in monetary contribution of the team leader (natural person); for asub-project in the field of urban economy, at least RMB 1 million among theactual paid-in registered capital of the enterprise shall bethe monetary contribution, of which at least RMB 0.5 million shall be from theactual paid-in monetary contribution of the team leader (natural person). (4) The enterprise founded by the team must beoperated for real in Ningbo and shall not be moved out of Ningbo within 10years after being funded as promised. (III) Talent introduction team project via capital Thecandidate for the talent introduction team project via capital should havegreat market prospect, bring its own technologies, projects and funds todevelop in Ningbo, and shall meet the following basic conditions: (1) The team is generally composed of 1 leaderand at least 4 members; the team leader should generally have a master's degreeor higher or have a high industry influence and the members should generallyhave a bachelor's degree or higher or at least 3 years of relevant work experience;the leader is generally not more than 60 years old and the members aregenerally not more than 50 years old. (2) The team leader and members have come toNingbo and established an enterprise in Ningbo in the recent 3 years (completed business registration proceduresbetween January 1, 2018 and March 15, 2021);the team leader (natural person) must be the founder, legal representative andthe largest shareholder of the enterprise, the total shareholding ratio of the team leader andthe members (natural persons) shall be more than 50% (excluding), and thenumber of shareholding members shall be no less than 4. (3) The monetary contribution among the actualpaid-in registered capital of the enterprise is notless than RMB 5 million; the actual paid-in monetary contribution from the teamleader (natural person) is not less than RMB 1 million; the enterprise hasobtained private capital investment (apart from the governmental funding ofNingbo at all levels and the funds at the disposal of the team) and the actualpaid-in capital contribution is not less than RMB 3 million (including capitalreserve). (4) The enterprise founded by the team must beoperated for real in Ningbo and shall not be moved out of Ningbo within 10years after being selected as promised. Amongthe above-mentioned project category and application qualification, for those exceptionally excellent or urgently-neededprojects, one exception can be made in terms of age and academic degree dependingon the specific circumstances; for the winners of international awards such as theNobel Prize, the Turing Award and the Fields Medal, and for the projects led bythe top and excellent talents equal to academicians of the CAS and CAE who arefrom countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia,appropriate exceptions can be made in terms of age and academic degree dependingon the specific circumstances. III. Application and SelectionProcedures The application and selection work is organizedand implemented by the OrganizationalDepartment of the Municipal Committee (Leadership Office of Experts Work of CPC Ningbo Committee), together with the Municipal EducationBureau, Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, Municipal Human Resource andSocial Security Bureau and other relevant departments in the field of urbaneconomy, with the specific methods and procedures as follows: (I)Centralized selection 1. Application acceptance. From January 1 toMarch 15, 2021, the qualified applicant can log in the "Online ApplicationSystem of 'Yongjiang Talent Introduction Programme' of Ningbo" (https://www.nbrc.gov.cn/a/login) to fill in the application form as required andupload the relevant appendixes, and no application will be accepted after thedeadline. The application will be accepted under separate unit: among project in the field of scientific andtechnological innovation, the innovative sub-project (excludingforeign-born talents) applied by the colleges in Ningbo will be accepted by theMunicipal Education Bureau, the foreign-born talent sub-project and theinnovative sub-project applied by the scientific research institutions inNingbo will be accepted by the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and theother application sub-projects will be accepted by the Municipal Human Resourceand Social Security Bureau; project inthe field of urban economy will be accepted by the Municipal Human Resourceand Social Security Bureau together will other responsible units of the field; talentintroduction team project via capital will be accepted by the Organizational Department of the MunicipalCommittee (Leadership Office ofExperts Work of CPC Ningbo Committee). 2. Qualification review. The qualification review will be carried outby relevant units by level-to-level and layer-to-layer from March to April,2021, of which, the talentintroduction team project via capital will undergo a compliance due diligence bya third party institution entrusted by the Organizational Department of the MunicipalCommittee (Leadership Office ofExperts Work of CPC Ningbo Committee). 3. Expert review. From April to July, 2021, the expert review panel grouped by thecorresponding professional scientists, risk investment experts and otherindustrial experts will be invited to perform the review in the form ofwritten, defense and on-site visit. 4. Authenticityreview on intellectual property and academic achievements. The authenticity ofintellectual property and academic achievements will be reviewed on theprojects recommended by the review experts in the final review in July, 2021. 5. Due diligence visit. The due diligence visitwill be carried out on the projects recommendedby the review experts in the final review in August, 2021. 6. Approval and issuance. The projects will beapproved and announced in September, 2021 in compliance with therecommendations of the review experts and the results of the due diligencevisit by combining with the actual industrial situation of Ningbo. (II)Simple review (directlyenter the final round of expert review) Talent and team projects that meet therequirements of this Notice and meet any of the following conditions can submitan application for simple review in the application system before the deadline(March 15, 2021) of annual application, and can directly enter the final roundof expert review once the application is approved. 1. Top three talent or team projects in themunicipal talent science & technology innovation competition recognized bythe Leadership Office of Experts Work of CPC Ningbo Committee. 2. Entrepreneurial and innovative talentproject led by entrepreneurial and innovative talent under the age of 40, andis recommended by top talent in the same filed who is listed in the Talent Classification Catalogue of Ningbo.In general, each top talent may recommend one project in general. 3. Innovative talent, foreign-born talent oryoung talent sub-project recommended by unit with talents listed in thenational talents introduction project of the previous year, with a ratio of1:3. 4. Talent or team projects introduced andrecommended by new major innovation platforms such as Yongjiang Laboratory andZhejiang Innovation Center, and each platform may recommend three projects ingeneral;talent or team projects introduced andrecommended by industrial technology research institutes with excellentperformance appraisal in recent two years (subject to the list provided byNingbo Science and Technology Bureau), and each institute may recommend twoprojects in general. 5. Talents or team projects led by talents whowere listed in the national talents introduction project of the previous yearthrough the application of Ningbo. 6. Talent or team projects supported by thehighest talent plan (project) of district, county (city) and development zone. (III)Direct recognition Innovative talents, foreign-born talents oryoung talents who meet the application requirements of this Notice and meet anyof the following conditions can apply for direct recognition if they have beenon the position for more than 3 months, and the application can be submittedthroughout the year. Once the application is approved, such talents maydirectly identified as “Yongjiang Talent Introduction Programme". 1. Talents served as full professor or higherposition in top 100 overseas universities listed in top four world universityrankings, namely QS, U.S. News, THE and ARWU, or in national laboratories andother scientific research institutions in developed countries (refer to thenational scope of academician top talents in Talent Classification Catalogue ofNingbo, the same below), or talents served as chief scientist, technologyexecutive or higher position in headquarters, regional headquarters orsubsidiaries of overseas Fortune 500 enterprises, or other talents at anequivalent level. 2. Talents under the age of 35 who have heldformal teaching or scientific research positions (excluding postdoctoral) formore than 3 years in top 100 overseas universities listed in top four worlduniversity rankings, namely QS, U.S. News, THE and ARWU, or in nationallaboratories in developed countries. 3. Talents under the age of 35 who arerecommended by the current president of “Double First-rate” universities andadministrators of scientific research institutions directly under the Chinese Academyof Sciences, and who have obtained doctoral degree overseas and have more than3 years of working experience in related fields overseas. One recommender mayrecommend one talent in principle. 4. Talents recommended by the provincial andmunicipal universities and industrial technology research institutes (privateand non-enterprise) that were listed in national talents introduction projectof the previous year through the application of Ningbo, with a recommendationration of 1:1. IV. Supporting Policies (I)Project funding 1. Project funding amounted to RMB 1 million inone time for the selected innovative talent sub-project, entrepreneurial talentsub-project, foreign-born talent sub-project and young talent sub-project inthe field of scientific and technological innovation; project funding amountedto RMB 0.5 million in one time for Seagull talent sub-project; RMB 0.5 millionin one time for the selected innovative talent sub-project and entrepreneurialtalent sub-project in the field of urban economy. 2. For theselected entrepreneurial andinnovative team project in the field of scientific andtechnological innovation, an subsidy amounted to RMB 20 million,10 million and 5 million will be respectively granted in two times as per thethree levels of Category A, Category B and Category C; for the selectedentrepreneurial and innovative team project in the field of urban economy, ansubsidy amounted to RMB 5 million, 3 million and 1 million will be respectivelygranted in two times as per the three levels of Category A, Category B andCategory C. 3. For theselected talent introduction team project via capital, 30% of the actualmonetary investment of private capital in place at the time of declaration willbe given as project subsidy, and the subsidy amount shall be rounded down to RMB100,000, generally no more than RMB 20 million. The project funding isgenerally allocated in two phases one year after the team is selected, with 50%for each phase. The first phase of funds shall be allocated to the enterpriselisted in the team project, provided that the accumulated direct expenditure ofthe project exceeds two times of the total amount of subsidy funds since thedate of its registration in Ningbo; the second phase of funds shall beallocated to the enterprise listed in the team project, provided that theaccumulated direct expenditure of the project exceeds four times of the totalamount of subsidy funds; in case the preconditions of the second phase havebeen met at the time of application for the first phase, then the subsidy fundsof two phases can be allocated in one time. Direct expenditure refers to theexpenditures used by enterprises of Ningbo project and directly related to thedeclared projects. There’s no upper limit for the amount of subsidyfor major talent (team) project with high talent level, great influence, worldleading core technology, disruptive innovation, and especially good prospectsfor industrialization and marketization. (II) Settling-in subsidy andhouse-purchasing subsidy. The selected talents and team leaders that meet therequirementscan enjoy relatedpreferential policy of settling-in subsidy and house-purchasing subsidy as perrelevant documents. (III)Financial credit support. Enterprises founded by the selected talents orleaders can enjoy a credit loan of up to RMB 20 million and loan renewalservice with no repayment of principal within 3-year in the cooperative bank.In addition, such enterprises will be preferentially recommended to be listedin Ningbo Equity Exchange and will be preferentially recommended withadditional investment by government-managed funds. For the selected talents and teams who meetrelevant conditions can also enjoy related policies stipulated in the Rules for Implementation of “Yongjiang TalentIntroduction Programme”, as well as supporting subsidy policies of theplace settled. The relevant subsidies will be granted as per the amount whichis higher or filling the difference with no duplication. V. Other Matters (I)Deadline for the application of 2021 “Yongjiang Talent Introduction Programme”is March 15, 2021 and any applications submitted after this date will not beincluded into the centralized selection of this year. (II) Theapplicant shall not apply for two or more different categories of “YongjiangTalent Introduction Programme” at the same time;the team leaders and members who have been listedin "3315 Series Plan" are not allowed to apply for “Yongjiang TalentIntroduction Programme”; individuals who have been listed in "3315 Plan"or "Pan 3315 Plan" are allowed to apply for talent introduction teamproject via capital under “Yongjiang Talent Introduction Programme”; talentsand teams whohave enjoyed therelated policies of ImplementationMeasures for Accelerating Agglomeration of Top Talents of Ningbo(Trial)(Y.K.J.[2018] No.118) and designated by the superior competent authoritiesto take major leadership positions of the ministerial, provincial and municipaldepartments in Ningbo, as well as related talents and teams directly introducedby "One Project, One Discussion" strategy of Ningbo, shall not applyfor 2020 “Yongjiang Talent Introduction Programme”; government-sponsoredoversea students, senior visiting scholars and expatriate personnel ofpostdoctoral international exchange program that fails to fail to fulfill andproperly handle the original agreement, or other personnel going abroad withfinancial support from government finance at all levels, or personnel whoviolate disciplines or laws, or conduct academic misconduct shall not apply for“Yongjiang Talent Introduction Programme”. (III)The applicant (including the team leader and the members)shall undertake the careful applicationcontents and sign in the commitment column of the application report.After the application is selected after review,The applicant shall not arbitrarily reduce or replace the team members, andshall not arbitrarilyreducethe registered capital or adjust project content or project objective.Once the selected project is settled in Ningbo,it shall not apply for the program of the same type in other places; Theselected talent introduction team sub-project via capital, entrepreneurial teamsub-project, entrepreneurial talent sub-project and young talent sub-projectshall focus attention on project in Ningbo, and the enterprise of the project shalloperate substantially in Ningbo and promise not to move out of Ningbo within 10years after the project is selected.Incase the talents fails to be in place after the innovative team sub-project,innovative talent sub-project, foreign-born talent sub-project and young talentsub-project, it will be deemed as automatic abandonment. (IV) Incase of any false information filled and submitted, the applicants will bedisqualified and added to dishonest list, and will have no right to apply the“Yongjiang Talent Introduction Programme” in future. All of those who have beenselected will be disqualified for the application. For those constituted asillegality, relevant persons shall be investigated and affixed legalliabilities. (V) Nostate secret shall be involved in the submitted material. The secret-associatedmaterials shall be submitted separately according to relevant securitystipulations of the state if they are required indeed, which should be attachedwith the security classification document from the employer of the applicant.Top secret materials shall not be submitted. (VI) TheLeadership Office of Talents Work of CPC Ningbo Committee reserves the right ofinterpretation for this Notice. (VII)Contact information 1. Talent introduction project via capital Contact person: Mr. Fan, Mr. Li 0086-574-89186470 2. Entrepreneurialand innovative team (individual) project in the field of scientific andtechnological innovation Contactperson: Mr. Fan, Mr. Li 0086-574-89186470 3. Entrepreneurial and innovative team(individual) project in the field of urban economy General contact: Mr. Li, 0086-574-89186219 E-commerce: Mr. Chen, 0086-574-89387093 Port & shipping and logistics: Mr. Jiang, 0086-574-89189042 Finance and insurance: Mr. Tang, 0086-574-89185884 Mr. Shentu, 0086-574-89185882 Culture, education, health, sports: Mr. Li 0086-574-89182784(culture and sports) Mr. Qin, 0086-574-89183419 (education) Ms. Chen, 0086-574-89385903 (health) Professionalservice: Ms. Xu, 0086-574-87188411 (accounting) Mr. Chen, 0086-574-87300194 (legal) Mr. Luo, 0086-574-89186219 (human resource) Mr. Sun, 0086-574-89382795 (others) Planning and design: Mr. Li, 0086-574-89289908(planning) Mr. Wang, 0086-574-89187256 (architecture) Fashion and creativity: Mr. Wu, 0086-574-89186461; Sci-Tech service: Ms. Huang, 0086-574-89298068 Mr. Cai, 0086-574-89298079 Modern agriculture: Mr. Bai, 0086-574-89187610
Notes: "246" trillion-levelindustrial clusters refer to the 2 world-class trillion-level industrialclusters of green petrochemical and automobile, 4 internationally influentialhalf-trillion-level industrial clusters of high-end equipment, new materials,electronic information and software and emerging services, and the 6 domesticleading tenth-trillion-level industrial clusters of key basic parts(components), intelligent household appliances, fashion textiles and garments,biomedicine, cultural and sports goods, and energy conservation and environmentprotection.
Leadership Offi Leadership Office of Experts Work of CPC Ningbo Committee December 8,2020 |
时间:2020/12/8 14:27:42 来源:宣传信息处 点击:14580 |
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